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$120 - $34,665

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IsoTek EVO3 Super Titan... IsoTek EVO3 Super Titan...
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IsoTek EVO3 Super Titan Power Conditioner

$21,149 $23,499

20Amp $19749

32Amp $21729

EVO3 Super Titan is the ultimate statement in high-current  power conditioning technology, delivering extremely low-impedance,  high-current power conditioning for high-end power amplifiers, with a  transient ability of 35,500W. Super Titan is the world’s most powerful  audiophile mains conditioner.

IsoTek EVO3 Mosaic Genesis... IsoTek EVO3 Mosaic Genesis...
  • -16799
  • -$5,449

IsoTek EVO3 Mosaic Genesis Power Conditioner

$11,350 $16,799

The EVO3 Mosaic Genesis is a hybridised version of IsoTek’s  Ultimate series. Combining the extremely low THD sine wave generation  engine from Genesis and a lighter version of Super Titan’s  Direct-Coupled© conditioning network, it delivers the perfect balance  between power and performance.

IsoTek EVO3 Initium Power... IsoTek EVO3 Initium Power...
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IsoTek EVO3 Initium Power Cable

$152 $169

IsoTek offers a range of class leading power cables to accompany its range of advanced power conditioners and sine wave generators. Borne from an ethos of only using the finest grade components and materials the new EVO3 power cables offer unrivalled performance and every level. All cables feature high purity copper which is then silver plated. Insulation or dielectric is of the highest grade FEP Teflon. Each cable, from the now multi-award winning Premier features solid copper 24ct gold termination.

EVO3 Initium is IsoTek’s new entry level power cable designed to offer high quality performance at an extremely fair price. Initium is a must for replacing all of your free standard black plastic power leads which have been designed down to a price not up to a quality.

IsoTek EVO3 Sigmas Power... IsoTek EVO3 Sigmas Power...
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IsoTek EVO3 Sigmas Power Conditioner

$4,949 $5,499

The EVO3 Sigmas is the bigger brother of our highly respected  EVO3 Aquarius. Again offering 4 medium power outlets, now rated at 10A  and 2 high current 16A, driven by a light version of the Titan’s  Direct-Coupled© circuit. It represents an extremely cost effective full  system upgrade.

IsoTek EVO3 Elite Power Cable IsoTek EVO3 Elite Power Cable
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IsoTek EVO3 Elite Power Cable

$944 $1,049

IsoTek offers a range of class leading power cables to accompany its range of advanced power conditioners and sine wave generators. Borne from an ethos of only using the finest grade components and materials the new EVO3 power cables offer unrivalled performance and every level. All cables feature high purity copper which is then silver plated. Insulation or dielectric is of the highest grade FEP Teflon. Each cable, from the now multi-award winning Premier features solid copper 24ct gold termination.

A brand new cable design from IsoTek, and part of the new ‘Performance Range’. EVO3 Elite is a quantum leap and improvement over the original model.

IsoTek EVO3 Titan Power... IsoTek EVO3 Titan Power...
  • -7499
  • -$1,880

IsoTek EVO3 Titan Power Conditioner

$5,619 $7,499

The new EVO3 Titan is a progression of IsoTek’s original  multi-award winning design. Whilst utilising the unique Direct-Coupled©  technology, the circuit has been radically updated. EVO3 Titan offers  the ultimate high current/ power conditioner in the smallest form  factor.

IsoTek EVO3 Optimum Power... IsoTek EVO3 Optimum Power...
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IsoTek EVO3 Optimum Power Cable

$1,619 $1,799

A top of the range power cable that delivers cutting-edge thinking, unique conductor geometries, and the ultimate in copper purity combined with advance material specification. Optimum is IsoTek’s most sophisticated power cable to date and capable of delivering astonishing levels of performance.

IsoTek EVO3 Genesis One... IsoTek EVO3 Genesis One...
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IsoTek EVO3 Genesis One Power Conditioner

$4,274 $4,749

IsoTek Genesis One Power Conditioner
The EVO3 Genesis One is a state of the art single cell sine wave generation system with extremely low THD. The system can be used to dramatically improve single front-end components. Each cell can be combined / linked together so that only one input wall socket cable is required. 

IsoTek EVO3 Titan One Power... IsoTek EVO3 Titan One Power...
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IsoTek EVO3 Titan One Power Conditioner

$3,599 $3,999

The Titan One re-engineers IsoTek’s unique multi-award  winning Direct-Coupled© technology into a discrete single cell version,  offering the ultimate high current, low impedance power conditioner in  the smallest form factor possible.

Removes both Common Mode and Differential Mode mains noise.

Dedicated single outlet delivers a clean high current, low impedence, low distortion mains supply.

Unique single cell mains cleaning system that reduces RFI by 82dB (50 ohms standard) down to 5Hz frequency range.

Internal wiring; solid core silver plated PCOCC with FEP virtually an air dielectric.

3680W of high current clean power for power amplifiers sub woofers etc.

Available with UK, EU, US, Australian, Swiss and South African outlets.

IsoTek EVO3 Genesis One... IsoTek EVO3 Genesis One...
  • -5899
  • On sale!
  • -$1,480

IsoTek EVO3 Genesis One Power Conditioner LCD Display

$4,419 $5,899

The EVO3 Genesis One is a single-cell sine wave generator, optimally designed for front-end and preamplifier duty. It’s small enough to sit next to its designated component on the same rack (or you can place six side-by-side on a single 19” shelf), and can be daisy-chained, so additional Geneses and Titans can be used from a single socket.

IsoTek EVO3 Premier Power... IsoTek EVO3 Premier Power...
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IsoTek EVO3 Premier Power Cable

$269 $299

EVO3 Premier was inspired by discussions with high-end electronics  companies, many of whom produce audio equipment that retails for tens of  thousands of pounds and yet is bundled with poor quality power cords  that significantly constrain performance.

IsoTek EVO3 Ascension Power... IsoTek EVO3 Ascension Power...
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IsoTek EVO3 Ascension Power Cable

$4,949 $5,499

EVO3 Ascension takes IsoTek’s power cable designs and technical innovations to a new level.

This  unique design consists of deep cryogenically treated silver plated Ohno  continuous cast copper conductors, wrapped in a dielectric of air, with  partial FEP contact, before a further extruded FEP sleeve seals the  construction. Each of these individual conductor assemblies are wrapped  in Mylar with a further OFC shield before being given a slight  rotational twist with FEP tubes of air.

IsoTek EVO3 Corvus 9-way... IsoTek EVO3 Corvus 9-way...
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IsoTek EVO3 Corvus 9-way Conditioning Powerboard

$1,169 $1,299

IsoTek EVO3 Corvus 9-way Conditioning Powerboard is an evolution of IsoTek’s award winning Polaris design, reconfigured to feature 9 output sockets and increased wattage. It is a cost effective upgrade to any audio or audio-visual system, delivering improved performance, protection as well as being great value for money.

IsoTek EVO3 Nova One Power...
  • -3399
  • On sale!
  • -$850

IsoTek EVO3 Nova One Power Conditioner

$2,549 $3,399

The EVO3 Nova One is an evolution on from the original GII  Nova but features a dramatically modified and improved clean power  network, and is positioned specifically for source components that use  less power. Greater emphasis has been placed upon high-frequency  filtering, and a nine section circuit consisting of both series and  parallel filters dramatically removes both Common Mode and Differential  Mode power line noise.

IsoTek EVO3 Nova Power... IsoTek EVO3 Nova Power...
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IsoTek EVO3 Nova Power Conditioner

$13,499 $14,999

The EVO3 Nova is a state of the art passive power cleaning  system incorporating full DC cancellation. The system offers 12  independently filtered power outlets, eight rated at 10A and four rated  at 16A, these designed for high current electronics, for example power  amplifiers, active loudspeakers or subwoofers. These also feature a  slightly paired down version of the Titan’s unique Direct-Coupled©  circuit. Nova is a fully system solution, full system upgrade  incorporating 12 independent filter networks, each supporting its own  output socket.

IsoTek EVO3 Syncro Uni... IsoTek EVO3 Syncro Uni...
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IsoTek EVO3 Syncro Uni Power Conditioner

$989 $1,099

Syncro Uni incorporates unique DC-cancelling electronics that  rebalance the mains sine wave to dramatically reduce/silence  transformer hum. This sophisticated product can be used independently  for a single component, or in combination with another IsoTek power  cleaner as an upgrade and to deliver a fully rebalanced sine wave across  all output sockets.