List of products by brand DS Audio
DS Audio has been known as the provider of industrial laser optics systems in the optical disc market, in Medial testing systems, and for various laser optical instruments.
DS Audio has been a front-runner in the laser optics market over 25 years. Plying their expertise to develop the technology found in the optical mouse, DS Audio is now immersed in the world of high-end audio with their feature product, the DS-W1 optical phono cartridge. DS Audio products are proudly manufactured in Japan.
DS Audio DS Master 3 Optical Cartridge With Equalizer
The new Master 3 optical cartridge system has been optimized, by implementing an independent LED and photo-detector arrangement for the left and right channels. As a result, the cartridge output voltage has dramatically increased from 40mV to 70mV. greatly improved S/N ratio compared to its stablemates, resulting in an even lower noise floor and far greater musical clarity.
DS Audio DS-E1 Optical Cartridge With Equalizer
DS Audio’s E1 entry level optical cartridge, achieves a performance level well beyond expectation and price range. The sonic qualities and resolution far exceed what one normally associates with an elliptical stylus and aluminum cantilever.
DS Audio DS-E3 Optical Cartridge With Equalizer
The DS-E3 uses a third-generation optical cartridge mechanism, the same design as our other products.
DS Audio DS-W3 Optical Cartridge With Equalizer
The new DS-W3 optical cartridge system has been optimized, by implementing an independent LED and photo-detector arrangement for the left and right channels. As a result the cartridge output voltage has greatly increased from 40mV to 70mV. a greatly improved S/N ratio when compared to its stable mates, resulting in an even lower noise floor and far greater musical clarity.
DS Audio DS003 Optical Phono Cartridge With Equalizer
The DS003 cartridge is a completely new design. The third generation of DS Audio’ s optical cartridge features a comprehensively re-designed optical system that provides the following improvements and benefits:
We have further developed the optical cartridge system by implementing independent LED’ s and photo-detectors (PD’ s) for the left and right channels. The result is that the cartridge output voltage is dramatically increased from 40mV to 70mV (a 75% increase) and channel separation is greatly improved
DS Audio ES-001 Eccentricity Detection Stabilizer
Elevate your listening experience with DS Audio\'s ES-001 Eccentricity Detection Stabilizer. As the world’s first eccentricity detection stabilizer, it notably reduces the wow and flutter of your entire system by analyzing and correcting the eccentricity of your vinyl record. Unmanaged, even minute eccentricities can result in a degraded audio output, not allowing you to fully relish in the sonic excellence of your high-end turntable. Following an intuitive 3-step process of measurement, adjustment, and restart, this stabilizer ensures pitch-perfect playback, eradicating sways in cartridge and tonearm while enhancing your stylus\'s tracking ability.
Ds Audio Grand Master Extreme Optical Cartridge
The needle tip and cantilever are usually fixed with adhesive, but Grand Master Extreme uses an one-piece diamond cantilever, which is made of a single diamond from the cantilever to the needle tip.
DS Audio Grand Master Optical Cartridge With Equalizer
The Grand Master cartridge is a completely new design. The third generation of DS Audio’ s optical cartridge features a comprehensively re-designed optical system that provides the following improvements and benefits:
We have further developed the optical cartridge system by implementing independent LED’ s and photo-detectors (PD’ s) for the left and right channels. The result is that the cartridge output voltage is dramatically increased from 40mV to 70mV (a 75% increase) and channel separation is greatly improved
DS Audio HS-001 Solid Head Shell
Vertical pin structure achieves uniform pressure of electrical contacts. Contact surface stabilized by spherical washer.
DS Audio ION-001 Vinyl Ionizer
Generates positive and negative ions to neutralise and remove the static charge from vinyl records
DS Audio PH-001 Phono Interconnect Cable
When using an MM or MC cartridge, the cold side of the phono cable serves only as a ground. the cold side of the cable is just as important as the signal carrying hot line. The PH-001 features identical materials and construction on both the hot and cold sides ensuring that the power supply is kept stable.
DS Audio ST-50 Stylus Cleaner
The ST-50 stylus cleaner features a special Urethane resin cleaning gel inside a machined aluminum enclosure.