List of products by brand Harbeth

Conventional Harbeth Speakers

For over 35 years Harbeth have refined the BBC loudspeaker legacy, creating loudspeakers in worldwide demand for their unbeatable clarity and resolution.

The incredible resolution and micro-detail that is the hallmark of a Harbeth conveys the listener deep into the heart of the recording. No matter how well you think you know your music collection, you'll hear details on your Harbeth speakers that are masked by conventional speakers. Take an audition of any Harbeth and appreciate the micro-detail that's clouded or inaudible on normal speakers - you'll be hooked on the Harbeth super-resolution. Harbeth cabinets employ the same constructional techniques used in musical instruments, where material selection and damping are all-important. The traditional veneered cabinet conceals a critically damped engineering solution in which unwanted internal sound pressure created by the forward/backward motion of the bass unit is absorbed and diverted from the sensitive midband to let the music flow from the speaker into the room for a warm, involving overall sound. At the heart a Harbeth speaker is our exclusive British hand made bass/midrange drive units. The astonishing Harbeth low-level resolution is the direct result of the exclusive RADIAL-2 cone material which we seamlessly combine with the best tweeters available using sophisticated and expensive crossovers components. The result is a magical sound that fills the room from the lowest frequencies with total believability and unmatched clarity and neutrality. Whichever Harbeth you have the space and budget for, all excel at naturalness, low-level detail and a warm involving sound at a moderate listening level. Even the largest Harbeth speaker sound natural when listened to from just a few feet away and this unique ability means that Harbeth speakers are neighbour-friendly late at night and in the smallest room. Every Harbeth speaker is engineered for total excellence and to provide a lifetime of listening pleasure at home and in the studio.

Harbeth Compact 7ES-3 XD Loudspeakers (Ex Demo)


The icon of clarity and detail


Allow sensational music moments to come to life at the comfort of your home with the multi-award winning, medium-sized C7ES-3 XD loudspeaker. Acclaimed for its accurate three-dimensional sound, this speaker will impress even the most religious demands of an audiophile.

Harbeth Monitor 30.2 XD Loudspeakers (Ex Demo)


A speaker for the critical listener


Harbeth’s design team has redefined the virtues of a speaker which has won worldwide accolades to a new intensity. Allowing rarefied audio transparency to be revealed and ultimately enjoyed.

The smallest Harbeth to be engineered around the exclusive 200mm RADIAL™ bass/mid unit – derived from the reference M40.3 – this space saver monitor disappears into any listening room. The outstanding midrange clarity and controlled bass bring music to life in a wide range of domestic listening environments. 

Harbeth Monitor 40.2 Loudspeakers (Trade in)


The Monitor 40.2 redefines the term ‘Reference Loudspeaker’. Built on the success of the multi award-winning M40.1, this new generation is the biggest leap forward in sonic supremacy since the design’s launch in January 1998. 

More efficient, more adaptable to a wide range of listening environments, perfectly balanced and more transparent and engaging, the M40.2 takes the Harbeth sound to a new level. 

With its mesmerising and addictive  soundstage, Harbeth’s reference monitor produces a grand, dynamic and unforgettable sonic experience – far beyond conventional loudspeaker listening.

Harbeth Monitor 40.3 XD Loudspeakers (Ex Demo)


The absolute pinnacle of loudspeaker design


The result of a passionate and tireless quest for audio perfection. Built on the success of the global award winning M40.2 40th Anniversary, this new generation Harbeth achieves a leap in performance delivery. Stunning realism, expansive bass and lifelike transparency delivers an ultimate experience for even the most critical listener.

Harbeth Nelson Subwoofers & Speaker Stands


The Nelson subwoofer + stand solution delivers intense bass performance for mini monitors, including all Harbeth P3ESR and BBC LS3/5A models, without compromising space. Its innovative design incorporates a Harbeth 5-inch drive unit and 50 watts of digital amplifier power, resulting in exceptional bass control, perfect integration and power output.

Harbeth P3ESR XD Loudspeakers (Ex Demo)


Harbeth’s development team has, once again, redefined what is possible from this use anywhere loudspeaker. 

The completed redesign maximises the performance potential of the Harbeth exclusive 115mm RADIAL2™ Cone Technology. Delivering breathtaking transparency, accurate bass and dynamic integration across the audio spectrum. 

Harbeth Super HL5 Plus XD Loudspeakers


The ultimate British domestic monitor


The definitive Harbeth loudspeaker delivers the ultimate high-end audio experience.

This model is the latest iteration of the legendary Harbeth HL-Monitor Mk1 from 1977 that launched the Harbeth company. In continuous production through several design generations since its inception. The SHL5plus XD gets the very best from the Harbeth-made 200mm RADIAL2™ bass/mid driver in a cabinet that is skillfully designed according to the pioneering research undertaken by the BBC.