List of products by brand Tara Labs

The “TARA” in TARA Labs is an acronym for “The Absolute Reference Audio.” Since the company’s beginnings, TARA Labs has been known among audiophiles as a manufacturer

TARA Labs started in Sydney, Australia in 1986. They began by developing cables and experimenting with different types of conductors. An early result was the Phase II speaker cable which was submitted for review to Stereophile magazine in 1988. The response to the very favorable review from this little-known cable manufacturer was overwhelming. TARA Labs moved to the United States later that year. Today TARA Labs produces a full range of cables and accessories which are sold through dealers throughout the U.S. and Canada and in 38 countries worldwide. Products are regularly reviewed in respected audio magazines the world over, including Stereophile and The Absolute Sound in the USA, Audiophile magazine in Hong Kong, and numerous professional audiophile magazines throughout the world.

Tara Labs Pr. The Omega Evolution SP Speaker Cables


The Omega Evolution has now become one of TARA Labs ultimate speaker cables. The Omega Evolution is just one step below the Grandmaster Evolution speaker cables. The RSC conductors are insulated with a fine layer of aerospace polyethylene, a very neutral material with almost no audible effect.

The Omega Evolution delivers lifelike, almost holographic sound, pin-point imaging and clear resolution of fine detail with extreme ease. 

Tara Labs Pr. The Omega Evolution Speaker Cables


The Omega Evolution has now become one of TARA Labs ultimate speaker cables. The Omega Evolution is just one step below the Grandmaster Evolution speaker cables. The RSC conductors are insulated with a fine layer of aerospace polyethylene, a very neutral material with almost no audible effect.

The Omega Evolution delivers lifelike, almost holographic sound, pin-point imaging and clear resolution of fine detail with extreme ease. 

Tara Labs Pr. The One CX Speaker Cables


Extremely transparent, detailed, open and revealing; spacious soundstage with well defined and vivid images; fine resolution of detail and ambient information.  The The One CX has 8+ gauge conductor runs; SA-OF8N® copper; each channel comprised of 70 RSC® Gen 2 conductors in Aero-PE® dielectric; positive/negative run for each channel; positive/negative runs are 35 conductors each, helixed around Teflon® air-tubes™.

Tara Labs Pr. The Zero Evolution Interconnect Cables w/HFX Ground Station


The Zero Evolution is another remarkable breakthrough in cutting edge technology and design from TARA Labs. The Zero Evolution design supersedes the Zero Gold with a 75% increase in bandwidth, in addition to an incredible capacitance of 2.5pF, resulting in a vanishingly low noise floor that creates the widest dynamic range possible. Our SAOF-8N 99.999999% inline polished conductors uses our new proprietary Liquid-film™ dielectric. The Zero Evolution also includes our new flexible air-tube technology and design.

Tara Labs Pr. The Zero Gold Gen2 Interconnect Cables w/HFX Ground Station


One of the most successful audio cables of all time is the original Zero Gold interconnect from TARA Labs. The original Zero Gold was praised for its breakthrough performance. In the Gen 2 design, technology has literally been borrowed from the famous and more expensive Zero Evolution interconnect. Available now is the ZERO Gold Generation 2 audio cables at a lower price, with complete flexibility and better performance than the original Zero Gold.

Tara Labs RSC Prime M RCA Digital Cable 75 Ohm


The RSC® Prime M Digital has precise transfer of digital data without loss or jitter. Provides reference quality digital transmission for components requiring 75 or 110 Ohm characteristic impedance. The RSC® Prime M Digital has RSC® SA-OF8N® copper conductors; natural fiber core; Aero-PE® dielectric and Anti-Corrosion coated SA-OF8N® copper braided shield.

Tara Labs RSC Prime M XLR Digital Cable 110 Ohm


The RSC® Prime M Digital has precise transfer of digital data without loss or jitter. Provides reference quality digital transmission for components requiring 75 or 110 Ohm characteristic impedance. The RSC® Prime M Digital has RSC® SA-OF8N® copper conductors; natural fiber core; Aero-PE® dielectric and Anti-Corrosion coated SA-OF8N® copper braided shield.

Tara Labs The Caprice II Bi-Wire Speaker Cables


The Caprice II Bi-Wire cable requires 2 runs of TARA Labs Gen2 conductor cables. One run dedicated for the High-Frequencies, and a separate run for the Low-Frequencies.  The geometry and construction of this unique cable enables this design to have most of the sonic benefits of 2 discrete runs of cable, but in one cable run. Caprice II Bi-Wire speaker cable is a single-run internal Bi-Wire cable with one outer jacket.