The S10II-T is a new outstanding Network-Transport design with its “tube buffered digital output stage” and a PCM-DSD converter and internal “server” option. The Network-Transport can be connected with any external DAC or CD-player with a digital input (DAC section). The S-10 II-T includes a music network player, computer playback, USB drive playback and a scalable digital volume control system.
Special attention was paid to the power supply and the digital output signal, because this digital interface is significantly involved to achieve “analog-magic” sound properties in the external DAC to a large extent. The S10-T was developed to get all the advantages of a so-called “MHz tube” in the digital output stage and in combination with streaming. The S-10 II-T combines both in a unique way and offers a new dimension of sound far beyond its class.
1 x ECC84 MHz tube buffer for digital output – switchable, RC; PCM-Digital/ Tube-Out: SPDIF, AES/EBU, PCM-Digital/Transistor Out: I2S, SPDIF, AES/EBU, BNC, TosLink; USB-OUT (PCM & DSD)
Ethernet-LAN & WiFi
Online Streaming services: Spotify Connect, Tidal Connect, Qobuz, HiRes Audio
Internet Radio: Airable Radio & Podcast
Other Services: Roon ready, Audirvana & JRiver Media server