Silver Diamond Waveform II™ Digital XLR Cable
The Silver Diamond XLR sits right at the top of all our families of sound in terms of performance. Highly detailed, incredible range and above all natural. Once you hear a Silver Diamond XLR you will find it difficult to go back.
Silver Diamond Waveform II™ HF Digital RCA
“Upon inserting the Silver Diamond RCA digital cable the answer became immediately obvious: a resounding yes. Just when I thought the limits were reached – the Silver Diamond went further! In particular the extension at the extremes was even better and the openness of the midrange spectrum helped to cast an even more believable sonic picture. The vocals were sensationally immediate and alive sounding; the human touch was highly authentic. The bass spectrum gained in punch and control and the instruments had even more body and thus seemed even more realistic. The uppermost octaves seemed even more open and limitless in their extension with the Silver Diamond and this in turn gave even more airy presentation of various recording venues.”
This sums up the Silver Diamond Waveform HF too.
Performance Profile
Blue Family
Warm and forgiving for systems with a slight edge or for those who like a more smooth laid back presentation. Blue and Ultra Blue are especially good for AV and home cinema.
Black Family
Smooth, fine detailed and great resolution while actually reducing apparent harshness. Music is presented as a coherent, organic whole, with a jaw-dropping sense of realism and naturalness.
Silver Family
Totally uncoloured, acting as a wide open channel sounding unforced, vivid and dynamic with phenomenal resolution, transparency and natural tonal colours. All this while sounding extremely analogue and coherent, from the exceptional top end extension to bottom with finely detailed, separated bass notes.