ArNi® is a type of wire created by Shunyata Research designed to be the finest quality wire available for audio purposes. It begins with the highest purity of copper available – OFE C10100 or Ohno (single crystal). Then it is formed in virtual hollow tubes eliminating skin effects and eddy current distortions. A premium fluorocarbon insulation minimizes dielectric absorption and re-radiation, greatly improving resolution and clarity. In addition, the wire undergoes our proprietary KPIP™ process.
TAP (Transverse Axial Polarizer) is a patent-pending technology developed by Shunyata Research to enhance the performance of its reference signal cables. The evolution of this technology has led to the creation of TAPc, a groundbreaking advancement that significantly reduces the size of the modules, enabling their application across a broader range of cables, including power cords, interconnects, digital cables and speaker cables. The sonic results of TAPc technology include a profound drop in perceived noise floor, effortlessly portrayed dynamics, and an exceptional rendering of timing and coherency. These benefits are unique to TAPc, setting it apart from any competing product or technology. Even to an untrained ear, the effects of TAPc are immediately apparent and consistently repeatable across various components and systems. Essentially, the TAPc modules act as force multipliers, elevating the listening experience to levels many would not have thought possible.
Common-mode noise is different than differential noise and is much more difficult to measure and eliminate. For the purest signal possible, Shunyata Research has developed a CMode filter that effectively reduces common-mode noise without introducing the sonic compression effects associated with conventional filters. It reduces high-frequency noise distortion while delivering an analog ease and palpable background silence that closes the gap between digital and analog systems. – Reduces common-mode noise
Shunyata’s VTX-Ag cables are uniquely constructed with both an inner, center conductor made of pure silver and an outer concentric ring conductor made of pure copper. It’s made using the finest fluorocarbon insulation to minimize dielectric absorption and re-radiation which translates to an improvement in resolution and clarity. VTX-Ag delivers the speed and clarity of silver and the midrange warmth and three dimensional power in the lower octaves of copper without imparting any of the negatives associated with either metal. – The best qualities of silver and copper combined
Shunyata Research's STIS™ v3 is the most evolved interchangeable terminal system in existence due to their performance and ease of use. The STIS v3 interchangeable banana and spade terminals are culled from solid tellurian copper for the ultimate in connectivity, then plated with pure gold to protect the copper for a lifetime of trouble free operation. In terms of performance and ease of use. STISv3 offers all the performance of fixed connectors yet delivers endless flexibility by allowing the end user to change connectors on the fly based on the system and connections being used.
Shunyata Research uses only the highest purity of copper available for the production of its wire products. OFE Alloy 101 or C10100 is the highest grade of copper with a minimum 99.99% purity and a conductivity rating of 101% IACS. OFE stands for oxygen-free electrolytic and supersedes the term OFHC (oxygen-free high conductivity). C10100 is the only grade of copper that comes with a written certification of purity. Certified by ASTM F68 C10100.
Fluorocarbon dielectrics are usually only found in wire used in the aerospace industry, satellites and only the most expensive audiophile cabling. It has special electrical characteristics; very low dielectric absorption, high dielectric strength and exceptional heat resistance. When used in audio and power cables is reduces the perception of dynamic compression and it improves sonic low-level resolution and clarity.
KPIP v2™ Shunyata Research’s proprietary Kinetic Phase Inversion Process includes four days of continuous KPIP v2™ processing which refines conductor metals at a molecular level. This dramatically reduces burn-in time and significantly improves sonic performance, delivering a relaxed and life-like presentation. When compared to the original process, KPIP v2™ represents a dramatic performance upgrade on par with a component-level upgrade.
- Cable Type: VTX-Ag
- Gauge: 06
- Conductors: ArNi ® OFE
- Dielectric: fluorocarbon
- Connectors: STIS™️ v3
- TAPc/Cmode Module: Single element | 2 modules
- KPIP v2 Processing: 4-days
- Standard Length: 1.00 meters
- Safety Assurance: Continuity and polarity tests – by two technicians HiPOT tests insulation breakdown @ 1,200 VAC