Originally this was a cartridge that AJ Van den Hul made after a specific request from a customer to produce a high end cartridge at a lower price point. He did it and sold a couple of other units after the word got out. Now they're a permanent mainstay of the Van den Hul inventory.
This particular Crimson has a Polycarbonate body. Some people really like the slightly more analytical sound of this cartridge than the wooden bodies. I admit though, we do sell more of the wooden bodied Crimsons than this Polycarbonate. I find the wooden bodies more open, more organic sounding.
version XGP: polycarbonate body
stylus replacement stylus replacement and services available on request
stylus shape VDH 1S
stylus radii 2 x 85 Micron
frequency range 5 – 55.000 Hz
tracking force 1,4 – 1,6 Gr
static compliance 35 Micron/mN
tracking ability 70 – 80 Micron
output voltage 0,65mV
channel unbalance < 0.3 dB
channel separation > 36 / > 30 dB
stylus tip mass 0.32 Milligram
system weight 8,75 Gr
load capacitance Non critical
load impedance 25 Ohm – 200 Ohm
eff tone arm mass 10 – 16 Gr
moving coil resistance 13,0 Ohm