The Crimson Elite has the Koa body and all of the other features of the Van den Hul Crimson. It also features the multi layered laquer of the Stradavarius cartridges. But on top of that it has reduced thickness in the gold wire of the coils making for a more agile sound.
Still not the level of resolution and refinement of the Colibri range but nonetheless a beautiful cartridge.
stylus shape VDH 1S
stylus radii 2 x 85 Micron
frequency range 5 – 55.000 Hz
tracking force 1,4 – 1,6 Gr
static compliance 35 Micron/mN
tracking ability 70 – 80 Micron
output voltage 0,65mV
channel unbalance < 0.3 dB
channel separation > 36 / > 30 dB
stylus tip mass 0.32 Milligram
system weight 8,75 Gr
load capacitance Non critical
load impedance 25 Ohm – 200 Ohm