Purify, protect, regulate, and rebuild unrestricted new power from old. The DirectStream P15 Power Plant is the gold standard for safety, reliability, and high-performance AC power regeneration. The P15 improves micro and macro dynamics, audio purity, instrumental separation, soundstage width and depth, and lowers background noise for any connected equipment. The P15 is the successor to the venerable P10 Power Plant, a tireless performer faithfully powering thousands of high-performance audio and video system around the world for nearly a decade. The P15 has been completely redesigned from the ground up with three times lower output impedance, lower distortion, a new FPGA based DSD sine wave generator, and an improved level of performance never before attained by any Power Plant of its size. If high-performance audio or video is your goal, there’s no better foundation for any system than a Power Plant AC regenerator.
The DirectStream P15 Power Plant takes your incoming AC power and converts it to DC, similar to what comes out of a battery, and then with patented PS Audio technology regenerates and produces new sine-wave-perfect, regulated high current AC power. In the process of regeneration any problems on your power line such as low voltage, distorted waveforms, sagging power and noise are eliminated.
The DirectStream Power Plant 15 is the next generation of AC power regeneration. It features an all new analog power amplifier and FPGA based sine wave generator based on pure, clean, analog DSD (PDM). The P15 has 5 separate regenerated zones, buss bar delivery system, and 1500 watts of pure regenerated power. From medium to large power amplifiers to the smallest pieces of source equipment, the P15 will work magic on your system’s performance. Expect far better micro and macro dynamics as well as a cleaner, lower noise background.
Don’t starve your music or risk damaging your equipment. A P15 gives you greatly improved performance and safety from just plugging into the wall socket and far better dynamics, bass and a much bigger, open soundstage than any power conditioner on the market. Why settle for anything but a Power Plant?
Location: Indoor Use Only
Duty Cycle: Suitable for continuous operation
Moisture Sensitivity: Not sealed against moisture
Operating Humidity: < 80% rh
Storage Temperature: -40 C to +40 C
Operating Temperature: 0 C to 40 C
Max Operating Altitude: 3500 m (12000 ft)
Electrical Supply Nominal rating: 230 V 10 A 50/60 Hz
Instrument Specification:
Unit Dimensions: 43 x 36 x 21.5 cm (WxDxH)
Unit Weight: 33 kg
Shipping Dimensions: 58 x 52 x 34 cm (WxDxH)
Shipping Weight: 38 kg
Nominal Input Voltage: 200 -285 V AC
Maximum Continuous Load: 1600 VA
Maximum Peak Load: 2000 VA
Voltage Regulation: 1 V
Output Distortion (Resistive Load): < 0.9%; 0.2% typical
Output Distortion (Reactive Load): < 0.9%; 0.2% typical
Output Impedance: < 0.008 Ohm
Noise Reduction: 100 kHz – 2 MHz > 80 dB
Efficiency: > 85% (at 1200 VA)
Input Frequency: 45 – 65 Hz
Under Voltage Limit: Continuous -10% of setting 15 sec duration -15% of setting
Over Voltage Limit: Continuous 5% of setting 15 sec duration 10% of setting
Energy Dissipation: 3670 J
Peak Current Surge: 84000 A
Max Surge Voltage: 6000 V
Clamp Level: 800 V
DC Trigger Configuration: Tip Positive
DC Trigger Voltage: 5 – 15 V DC