The Melody WE-2688 Signature is the entry-level pre amplifier by Melody Hifi. The 2688 delivers only the best of amplification for it’s price range. From the inside and outside the WE-2688 Signature is developed to meet the highest of today’s standards. Only the best materials are used in the 2688 and as such you can only expect the best of the best. Only the highest components like Mundorf Cap’s, Supreme Silver-oil in silver Capacitors, Nichicon Gold tune Cap’s en build with upmost care. The outside finish from Melody Hifi is just as impressive as the inside where everything has been taken care of down to the last detail.
It is driven by 2x Melody 274B and Western Electric 416 and 373A tubes. Take a look at our tubes page to see an overview of all tubes and their specific sound in the amps.
The Melody WE-2688 Signature offers maximum musical experience in combination with a Melody power amplifier but also offers excellent sound with other amplifiers.
Melody Hifi produces all amps by hand with the finest point-to-point wiring. Bias control is accessible on top of the amplifier panel with true ampere meter.
The Melody WE-2688 Signature has a soft start and time-delay circuit of 30 seconds.
All products on this website are Australian tube amplifiers. Melody Hifi has it’s headquarters in Australia where it also practices R&D and all other inquiries. The amplifiers are produced in a well known tube amplifier factory in Shenzhen where all staff follows strict testing and production protocols. Melody however also places importance on the well-being of their personnel and maintains a people-oriented environment.
RANGE | 3 Hz to 100.000Hz |
GAIN | 20 dB |
CHANNEL BALANCE | Less than <0.35 dB (20Hz to 100.000Hz) |
FREQUENCY RESPONSE | +/-0.5dB from 20Hz to 30,000Hz |
SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO | Greater or equal> =90dB |
VACUUM TUBES | 2 x Melody 274B |
and 2x Western Electric 416 | |
and 2x Western Electric 373A | |
DIMENSIONS ( W X H X D) | 47.5 cm x 24.5cm x 39 cm |
WEIGHT | Net 36 kg a piece |
WARRANTY AMP | 1000 days |
WARRANTY TUBES | 6 months |