Tellurium Q Black II Speaker Cable
Tellurium Q is a home of quality audio cables, made in UK, and Tellurium Q Black was our first product. Their greatest goal and achievement is combating phase distortion and bringing the most transparent and natural sound possible.
Black was the first cable from Tellurium Q and they knew they were on to something special when they took the prototypes to various dealers for their comments and input. One in particular would not believe that it could match the somewhat thicker more expensive cable in his demonstration system.
They sat down and listened to some of his familiar music tracks, then they swapped the cable for Tellurium Q Black. He sat forward, looked at them and quite seriously asked what else they had done to his system while they were changing the cables over. It was only when he swapped the cables himself a couple of times he believed the evidence of his ears.
So why Black II? Despite Black winning multiple awards, surprising owners with it’s performance and more people than ever choosing to use it in their systems?
Tellurium Q have been learning and developing, especially in the last few years and have come up with a way to make this little gem even better. The only thing to do was to give it to their customers. Switch Black for Black II and it is completely obvious which is which. Once you hear the difference, it is also completely obvious why they felt compelled to upgrade Black in the way that they have.
We think you will get more from your music and hope that you love Black II as much as we do.
Where Tellurium Q ® Came From
People have been asking how Tellurium Q ® came about and what we are doing to make our products work so differently from what is currently available. This has caused us problems because there are trade secrets and production methodologies that we definitely do not want to share with our competitors. I think that sometimes we are too much on the side of caution and that causes reviewers and our distributors a little problem. What do they say? What is the story to give our customers, a hook, a reason to listen when there are so many companies claiming big things? Why should people believe that we have a genuinely different approach? Yes a client can hear this is true within seconds of listening but the big problem is giving people a reason to want to listen having not yet heard the cable. In the UK this is not such a big problem as more and more people are giving their feedback to their friends and Tellurium Q® is spreading rapidly by word of mouth as much as from the remarkable reviews.
However we can say a little about our background, how Tellurium Q® came about and what we had to do to develop the products. So here goes.
How Tellurium Q ® was born
One afternoon at a recording studio in Somerset, Geoff Merrigan, who was there because he was the studio’s business advisor started a conversation with the studio owner and a technical electronics expert. As there was a strong interest in science and technology they started talking about the system set up and sound quality relating to, and influenced by the various electronics. There was a bold claim that the cables were causing problems in recording quality. Both the studio owner and Geoff took the stand point that a cable is just a cable and all it needs to do is transmit a signal and enough power, end of story, surely? An hour later after discussing the fundamentals of signal transfer theoretically in a standard cable’s construction and why exactly that caused problems. It made absolute sense and Tellurium Q ® was born on a leap of faith. The new company invested heavily in R&D and non-standard tooling to bring about the first cable, Tellurium Q Black. Thankfully it exceeded expectations and in the UK there was an immediate uptake with a small handful of dealers who were prepared to use their ears. The most recent phase of development sees the introduction of our own tellurium copper connectors that have a near perfect synergy with the Tellurium Q® cables, as the latest review in the magazine HiFi World confirms. See here for review.
What people do not realise is that to get the best performance in a cable you actually have to be prepared to compromise between a number of factors. For example in most applications a signal must not leak into the dielectric (but this is a good thing in capacitors).
Stepping back further, you even need to ask what exactly is a “signal”. An electric current is not a bunch of electrons entering a wire at one end, zipping through and popping out the other end. No. It is more like the Newton’s cradle toy where a wave of impacts go through the swinging balls quickly while the balls themselves move very little. Even this analogy is a world away from what actually happens, though. Of course the electrons work their way through the wire. Just not very quickly that is all.
When you understand what a signal actually may be and can model the way it is likely to behave and how this “wave potential” is affected and then what function that signal has to fulfill, it is then time to do a bit of a balancing act. This is between, for example, capacitance, inductance, accurate transmission (not just material “purity” as many think) and high speed transmission (which in itself involves a whole host of lesser criteria). It is this fine tuning process that can lead to some surprises in choice of materials that is REQUIRED for the compromises to work efficiently and effectively. What we do a little differently is that we skew the balancing act to take into account phase accuracy to give a recording correct timing reproduction. In a nutshell, that is how we at Tellurium Q ® get the results we get. We believe that we put more into research and development than any other company as a percentage of our profitability and we have no reason to stop doing so. Research is our passion and our customers are the beneficiaries of this.
Termination Options
Note: All Tellurium Q Speaker cables can be bi-wired by adding an extra cable during manufacture.
Performance Profile
Blue Family
Warm and forgiving for systems with a slight edge or for those who like a more smooth laid back presentation. Blue and Ultra Blue are especially good for AV and home cinema.
Black Family
Smooth, fine detailed and great resolution while actually reducing apparent harshness. Music is presented as a coherent, organic whole, with a jaw-dropping sense of realism and naturalness.
Silver Family
Totally uncoloured, acting as a wide open channel sounding unforced, vivid and dynamic with phenomenal resolution, transparency and natural tonal colours. All this while sounding extremely analogue and coherent, from the exceptional top end extension to bottom with finely detailed, separated bass notes.